kerry eddy
Firstly, let me thank each and every supporter, donor, and friend who got behind this campaign. I am humbled by the support and enthusiasm with which I was met when knocking on doors, and making calls. Your voice is important and I would have been incredibly honored to represent you in Washington. I am considering the possibility of running in the future. I hope you'll be on board should that opportunity arise. Thank you again.
I officially dropped out of the US Senate race this morning. I did a poll for a comparison of me vs. Deb Fischer, and then one of Dan Osborn v. Fischer. Osborn clearly has the better odds and he supports legalization. I wish I had the numbers and the support to keep going. I want to make a difference for the good of our country and I have deep concerns about the inequities the majority of working-class Americans face. I have learned a lot in my short political career, but the biggest takeaway is this:
Local elections matter! Pay attention to what is happening in your school boards, city councils, mayoral races, state legislature, and gubernatorial races. Understand how your local elections work and the mechanism behind the public persona playing on your vulnerabilities and hammering on emotionally charged single issues. Listen to experts and believe them.
(*Some breathless, yammering asshole with 60,000 followers on YouTube is not an expert.)
If you sit back and cry "There's nothing to be done, my vote doesn't count, only the uber-rich and corporations have power...", you will have played into the self-fulfilling prophecy that those two specific groups are quite literally banking on. Apathy will kill us all.
And remember kids, there is not ONE perfect candidate, but if we are all paying attention and voting with the big picture in mind, the fascists can never win.